Collaborative Goal Setting: What To Expect

Where We Navigate Success Together, Our PBS Approach, Your Personal Growth.

Engaging in collaborative goal setting involves working closely with individuals, families, and a team of professionals to develop meaningful and effective goals for behaviour intervention. Here are some key aspects you can expect in the collaborative goal-setting process as PBS practitioners.

At the core of our approach is the profound acknowledgment that personal growth is a dynamic and fluid journey. Each individual's path is different, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. Our team is dedicated to working alongside you, adapting our strategies to your evolving needs

Person-Centered Approach

  • Emphasis on understanding and valuing the specific qualities, preferences, and strengths of the individual.

  • Recognition that goals should be aligned with the individual's aspirations and needs.

Assessment and Functional Analysis

  • Conducting thorough assessments and functional behaviour analyses to understand the antecedents, triggers, and consequences of challenging behaviours.

  • Identifying the functions that the challenging behaviours serve for the individual.

Stakeholder Involvement

    • Collaboration with the individual, their family, caregivers, educators, and other relevant stakeholders.

    • Encouraging active participation and input from all team members in goal-setting discussions.

Positive Goal Formulation

    • Focusing on positive goals that involve teaching new skills and promoting alternative, adaptive behaviours.

    • Moving away from punitive or restrictive goals and interventions.

Measurable Objectives

    • Developing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for each goal.

    • Ensuring that goals are observable and can be measured to track progress.

Culturally Competent Planning

    • Considering cultural factors that may influence the individual's behaviour and preferences.

    • Adapting interventions to align with the individual's cultural background and values.

Collaborative Team Meetings

    • Regular team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and adjustments to the intervention plan.

    • Sharing insights and information among team members to enhance the effectiveness of interventions.

Data Collection and Analysis

    • Implementing data collection procedures to monitor the individual's behaviour over time.

    • Using data to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of interventions and the need for adjustments.

Flexibility and Continuous Improvement

    • Recognising that goals and intervention strategies may need to be adjusted based on ongoing assessment and progress monitoring.

    • Being open to feedback from team members and adapting the plan as needed.

Training and Capacity Building

    • Providing training and support to team members, including family members and caregivers, to ensure consistent implementation of interventions.

    • Building the capacity of the team to understand and address the individual's needs effectively.

Adaptation is not a sign of weakness; instead, it's a testament to our commitment to your growth. Our team can assist you in overcoming obstacles and achieving lasting positive change

Collaborative goal setting in PBS is a dynamic process that involves ongoing communication, assessment, and adjustments. It requires a commitment to working collaboratively to enhance the quality of life for the individual and promote positive behavioural outcomes.

Carrie O'Connor